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How Two different Maven Web project can share same EJB

I have two different Maven-Based JSF Web Projects (Netbeans and Glassfish) one for admin users and the other one is for regular users. I wanted to keep them separate because it is simpler this way. Entity classes will be the same and I want these two war projects share these entity classes.

What is the best way of doing this? I don't want users and admins share the same UI because it gets too complicated I want to keep their user interfaces separate it is much easier and clear for me.

Thanks a lot

I would suggest that you split both your projects into at least 4 maven projects:

  • common-ejb: maven project type 'EJB', keep all of your EJB/Entities there
  • customer-web: maven project type 'WAR', keep all your UI for the regular users, with dependency on 'common-ejb'
  • admin-web: maven project type 'WAR', keep all your UI for the admin users, with dependency on 'common-ejb'
  • common-ear: maven project type 'EAR', that includes 'common-ejb' as EJB dependency, and contains the 2 web projects (WAR).

The EAR pom.xml could look like:





and look at the maven-ear-plugin doc if you need some customization of context-root or library deployment.

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