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Codeigniter query with symbols in condition string

I am trying to have filters dropdown in my CMS my model looks like

public function load($sort,$order,$key,$value)
{ //        $key='listening'; //        $value="1";
            //configure pagination


    $this->db->select('company_category.name as category,
                       company_category.id as category_id',FALSE);

    $this->db->select('complain_status.cs_status as status',false);
    $this->db->join('company_category','company_category.id = company.category_id');
    $this->db->join('complain_stastus', 'complain_status.cs_id = company.status_id');

       $value=  str_replace('&nbsp', ' ', $_POST['value']);
            $this->db->having ($_POST['key'], mysql_real_escape_string($value) );

    if($sort!='' || $sort!=NULL)
        $this->db->order_by ($sort, $order);

    $this->db->limit($config['per_page'], $this->uri->segment(3));


    return $result->result();

that generates the below query

SELECT company.id, company.name, company.logo, company.status_id, company.listening, company_category.name as category, company_category.id as category_id, complain_status.cs_status as status
FROM (`company`)
JOIN `company_category` ON `company_category`.`id` = `company`.`category_id`
JOIN `complain_status`  ON `complain_status`.`cs_id` = `company`.`status_id`
HAVING `category` =  'Health & recreation'

as you can see here is the problem when category equals some string with special character like Health & recreation it fails and even if i tried the query generated by CI it works normally on MYSQL and gets me the result

Note : I m replacing the space $value= str_replace('&nbsp', ' ', $_POST['value']); as this data comes from select html element that fails when it has spaces in options so i had to parse and remove it later in the back-end code

Thanks in advance

Code igniter is probably html_encoding the ampersand so that it reads as its html value. YOu can comfirm this by turning on the profiler by adding this line to the constructor of whatever controller or model your runnning the query in:


if I'm right your query will have substituted something like & where the & should be.

Note the profiler reveals the & while using a $this->db->last_query() still shows a &

To insert symbols into the database, you need to escape the values first. In PHP, you would normally use: mysql_real_escape_string()

How to insert special characters into a database?

However, as you're doing this in CodeIgniter, you have to use query binding for the data to automatically be escaped,

$category = $this->input->post('category');
$status = $category = $this->input->post('status');
$status_id = $category = $this->input->post('status_id');

$sql = "SELECT * FROM company WHERE category = ? AND status = ?"; 

$this->db->query($sql, array($category, $status));

http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user_guide/database/queries.html (under Query Binding)

Does CodeIgniter automatically prevent SQL injection?

Although its not part of the original question, your code has flaws in that your using $_POST['value'] without any sort of filtering. There would be nothing stopping someone from SQL injecting your form.

How can I prevent SQL injection in PHP?

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