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I have a query that returns the correct values:

SELECT cnl.id         cID,
       snl.id         sID,
       cnl.fk_lei     cnl,
       sid.lei        sid,
       cnl.fk_cnty_id cCid,
       snl.fk_cnty_id sCid,
       sec.id         secID,
       sid.id         sidID
FROM   cici.name_loc cnl
       INNER JOIN se4.name_loc snl
               ON snl.legal_name = cnl.legal_name
                  AND snl.fk_cnty_id = cnl.fk_cnty_id
       INNER JOIN se4.sym_exch_cnty sec
               ON sec.id = snl.fk_sec_id
       INNER JOIN se4.identifiers sid
               ON sid.fk_sec_id = sec.id
                  AND sid.lei = 'NA'
WHERE  cnl.legal_name = 'Apple Inc.' 
| cID  | sID  | cnl                  | sid | cCid | sCid | secID | sidID |
| 2010 | 3104 | HWUPKR0MPOU8FGXBT394 | NA  |  233 |  233 | 13756 |  9722 |

I would like to modify this so that I can update a field in a table used in the query. So in the above result the field ' sid' would be updated from 'NA' to 'HWUPKR0MPOU8FGXBT394'

To be exact the 'identifiers' table has a column 'sid.lei' that needs to be changed from 'NA' to the value in the 'cnl.fk_lei' table.column - only when all of the criteria in the above select is met. I only want to change the one record, not all the records in the table.

I have tried several routes they all give the same error: ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'HWUPKR0MPOU8FGXBT394-NA-NA-NA-1-1' for key 'mk_ident__6fks'

This is tellin me that the update is getting it wrong.

Here is one of the updates I tried:

UPDATE identifiers AS b
       INNER JOIN cici.name_loc cnl
               ON cnl.legal_name = 'Apple Inc.'
       INNER JOIN se4.name_loc snl
               ON snl.legal_name = cnl.legal_name
                  AND snl.fk_cnty_id = cnl.fk_cnty_id
       INNER JOIN se4.sym_exch_cnty sec
               ON sec.id = snl.fk_sec_id
SET    b.lei = cnl.fk_lei
WHERE  cnl.legal_name = 'Apple Inc.' 

In this instance I am only trying to update one record. However, I have hundreds of records where snl.legal_name = cnl.legal_name and I will need to update all of them with the numbers in cnl.fk_lei.

Any ideas are most appreciated. Thanks!

I think you need to put sid.lei = 'NA' (missing) in place of cnl.legal_name = 'Apple Inc.' (already present in join condition) in where:

   UPDATE identifiers AS b
   INNER JOIN cici.name_loc cnl
           ON cnl.legal_name = 'Apple Inc.'
   INNER JOIN se4.name_loc snl
           ON snl.legal_name = cnl.legal_name
              AND snl.fk_cnty_id = cnl.fk_cnty_id
   INNER JOIN se4.sym_exch_cnty sec
           ON sec.id = snl.fk_sec_id
   SET    b.lei = cnl.fk_lei
   WHERE  sid.lei = 'NA' 

Below is UPDATE syntax from MySQL website

UPDATE [LOW_PRIORITY] [IGNORE] table_reference
SET col_name1={expr1|DEFAULT} [, col_name2={expr2|DEFAULT}] ...
[WHERE where_condition]
[ORDER BY ...]
[LIMIT row_count]

What you want to do is the following:

UPDATE identifiers AS b
   SET b.lei = (select cnl.fk_lei
                  from cici.name_loc cnl
            INNER JOIN se4.name_loc snl  ON snl.legal_name = cnl.legal_name 
                   and snl.fk_cnty_id = cnl.fk_cnty_id
            INNER JOIN se4.sym_exch_cnty sec ON sec.id = snl.fk_sec_id
                 where cnl.legal_name = 'Apple Inc.')

note that this going to update all identifiers rows, you may want to add where clause to the update to limit its impact.

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