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Dynamically generated bulleted list from code behind

Please, could you help me and tell me how can I generated dynamically this piece of code:

          <a href="../adGallery/images/pictures/1.jpg">
            <img src="../adGallery/images/pictures/thumbs/1.jpg" class="image0"/>
          <a href="../adGallery/images/pictures/2.jpg">
            <img src="../adGallery/images/pictures/thumbs/2.jpg" title="A title for 10.jpg" alt="This is a nice, and incredibly descriptive, description of the image 10.jpg" class="image1"/>

from my code behind?

Thank you very much

I would suggest to use a Repeater which enables to customize your controls as much as possible. A BulletedList control is limited. Here's an attempt anyway:

<asp:BulletedList id="ImagesBulletedList" 


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
        ListItem listItem = new ListItem("Picture 1", "../adGallery/images/pictures/1.jpg");
        listItem.Attributes.Add("class", "image0");
        listItem = new ListItem("Picture 2", "../adGallery/images/pictures/2.jpg");
        listItem.Attributes.Add("class", "image1");
        listItem.Attributes.Add("title", "A title for 10.jpg");
        // ...

Use an asp:Repeater control.

Here is a tutorial on doing exactly this kind of thing:


Use this code method:

private string getDynamicHTML(int count)
    string message = "<ul>";
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        message = message + "<li>";
        message = message + "<a href='../adGallery/images/pictures/" + i +".jpg'>";
        message = message + "<img src='../adGallery/images/pictures/thumbs/" + i + ".jpg' title='A title for 10.jpg' alt='This is a nice, and incredibly descriptive, description of the image 10.jpg' class='image1'/></a>";
        message = message + "</li>";
    return message + "</ul>";

and place a label in the required position and bind the result to that label


This will render as required HTML

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