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Using nth-child to make a chess pattern

I am breaking my head to achieve something quite relatively simple here.

I need to select every 3rd and 4th element on my page, how could I do that using css :nth-child()?

JS answers also welcome.

Thanks a lot.


Apologies guys my question was badly written. I attached an example below of what I need.

This is the outcome I need, http://jsfiddle.net/8FXL6/

        <li class="highlight"></li>
        <li class="highlight"></li>

Without hardcoding the class names.


Technically, this selects every element that is the 3rd or 4th child in its container. If you want to select every 3rd or 4th element (3,4,6,8 etc.), use:



From your edit, you need:



You can use comma to combine selectors using nth-child to get elements,

Live Demo

elements = $('div .className :nth-child(3), div .className :nth-child(4)');

How about using css only?

Every third element:

*:nth-child(3n+3) {color: red}

Every fourth element:

*:nth-child(4n+4) {color: blue}

Here's demo on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/dufsx/

This can be solved using CSS only

 *:nth-child(4n+2){background:blue;color: white;}
 *:nth-child(4n+3){background:blue;color: white;}


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