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jquery - select li inside a ul that is inside ul

I have this:

                <li><a>Hello world</a></li>

And i need to select a li that is in the second ul (the one that has the words 'Hello world', for example.)

How do i do that with jQuery?

I tried this:

$('ul li:eq(1) li:eq(1)').doSomthing();

It's fairly straightforward:

ul ul li

This doesn't check for immediate nesting though; the second ul in the selector could very well be more deeply nested. You can restrict this by using > :

ul > li > ul > li

To grab only the first li , it might look something like this:

​$("ul > li > ul > li:first").css("background", "red");​​​​​​​​​​

The approach you attempted, using the :eq pseudo-selector, would have looked more like this:

​$("li:eq(0) li:eq(0)").css("background", "red");​​​​​​​​​​

Remember that index is zero-based, so the first item is always index 0.


$("ul > li > ul")
try this it will work as you wish

$('ul li> ul li:eq(0)')。css('border','1px solid red');

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