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Do I have to close Word Interop Application?

I'm using the following code:

using MSWord = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;


MSWord.Application wordApp = new MSWord.Application();

MSWord.Document wordDoc = new MSWord.Document();

wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Add(Template: oTemplatePath);

//do something with the Document... replace fields and so on...

wordApp.Visible = true;

the function then exits and my app is closing down, for example. Now the user can edit the open document, and save it or just close it.

Do I have to close the Application-Object (in terms of COM-Objects and so on) programmatically??? Or does this the Garbage collector?

If you want to correctly close / dispose COM Objects when using Microsoft.Interop you would want to use this method

System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject( "Replace with your ComObject Here"); 

so for example if I have created an object named wordApp I would declare it like this and dispose it like the following

MSWord.Application wordApp = new MSWord.Application();

This can give you an example of how to use ReleaseComObject Marshal.ReleaseComObject Method

You're ok. When you call new MSWord.Application(); a new Ms-Word process starts and manages the Document.

You don't have to worry. If you display the document to the user, when he closes the document all will be done.

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