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send error while running expect code

I made an expect code:

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ls
expect "*]$*"
send "cd /to/some/path\\n"
expect "*]$*"
send "sudo -u root ./program.sh"
expect "*:*"
send "i_am_password\\n"

while executing it I am getting the below error:

spawn ls
my_pgm.exp abc.sh axyz.zip all.zip test.exp
send: spawn id exp6 not open
while executing
"send "cd /to/some/path\\n""
(file "./my_pgm.exp" line 5)

I am running this code on ubuntu. Please help.

I'm not sure to really understand why you need expect, but for a bash script, try this:

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn bash -i
expect "*$ "
send "cd /to/some/path\n"
expect "*$ "
send "sudo -u root ./program.sh\n"
expect "*: "
send "i_am_password\n"


The spawn directive instruct expect which program are to be used to interact with. So if you want to interact with bash, you have to ask expect to spawn bash . The -i parameter to bash enforce them to start in interactive mode.

At all, this look like a very bad idea , but that's only my opinion ;)

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