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PHP mailer not functioning properly

The code that I am trying to mail with is causing me problems. I want someone to be able to choose a radio button to determine whom to mail (2 choices). Currently if no radio button is chosen mail is sent to both addresses - this works. If you choose one of the buttons mail does not send to target. Below is the pertinant code.

<form action="code/submitemailCopy.php" method="post" name="submitform" id="submitform">
<input type="radio" name="toaddress" value="tim" id="tim">Tim/label>
<input type="radio" name="toaddress" value="terry" id="terry">Terry</label>

$mailto = $_POST['toaddress'];
if ($mailto == 'terry')
    $mailto = 'example1@example.com';
elseif ($mailto == 'tim')
    $mailto = 'example2@example.com';
    $mailto = 'example1@example.com' . ',';                 
    $mailto .= 'example2@example.com;

You need to use code blocks. Your last line is always executed, so you end up with $mailto value like example1@example.comexample2@example.com or example2@example.comexample2@example.com

if ($mailto == 'terry') {
    $mailto = 'example1@example.com';
} elseif ($mailto == 'tim')  {
    $mailto = 'example2@example.com';
} else {
    $mailto = 'example1@example.com' . ',';                 
    $mailto .= 'example2@example.com;

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