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Pentaho Mondrian - Olap drilldown in java program

I'm using Mondrian 3.4 as the Olap Server to my application written in Java. Currently i wanted to perform some typical Olap operations in a cube, but i could't find any pointers that guided me to how to perform a drilldown operation in a cube with Mondrian. I could't find methods in the Mondrian API to do this. Is this possible? How should i do it?

Thks in advance.

I think you can check MDDataSet_Tabular inner class within mondrian.xmla.XmlaHandler , it provides API functions to store dimension values and names into MDDataSet object when you perform drilldown operation. I'm using Mondrian 3.1, but I think the source code should be the same in 3.4.

If you have additional problem, please let me know.. Good luck

There are two ways to do a drilldown. You can either get a drilldown a MDX query, or a drilldown of a particular cell.

To run a drilldown query, in olap4j, you do:

ResultSet rs =
        + "SELECT {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns\n"
        + "from [Sales]\n"
        + "where ([Promotions].[One Day Sale],\n"
        + " [Store].[Store City].[Walla Walla],\n"
        + " [Product].[Product Category].[Bread])\n"
        + "RETURN [Customers].[Name], [Gender].[Gender]");

The RETURN clause is optional and specifies which fields you want returned. To drilldown on a particular cell, you run a query, access the cell you want and call:


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