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How to Get a dijit/Tree Node by Id?

I have a dijit/Tree that works fine. However, I cannot figure out how to get the DOM node for a specific row from the id (the id in the store, not the DOM id).

Something like:

myTreeModel.getDomNodeById( id );

I am using dijit/Tree, dijit/tree/ObjectStoreModel and dojo/store/memoryStore.

Everything seems to be geared towards getting the store data but I want the to change the class on a dom node in response to events elsewhere in my application.

In the end, xyu's link got me the answer.

First, I mixed in a new function to the tree on instantiation:

var myTree = new Tree( 
    model: treeModel, 
    autoExpand: true,
    showRoot: false,
    title: 'My Items',
    openOnClick: true,
    getDomNodeById: function( id ) // new function to find DOM node
        return this._itemNodesMap[ id ][0];
} );

Then I could call it like this:

var treeNode = myTree.getDomNodeById( dataId );

According to the API dijit/Tree has a domNode property. It should point to DOM node, where the tree is located.

dojo.connect('id of tree','onClick',function(evt)
  //onclick event tree return id of its node in array

  on('id of tree','click',function(evt)
    //onclick event tree return id of its node in array

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