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Validating ReCaptcha (Javascript API) User Answer on Localhost with ASP.NET

I am using ReCaptcha with the javascript API on my aspx page on localhost. I read somewhere that I don't need a key as long as I use it on localhost. So, I use some random key that I found somewhere. I could render the recaptcha challenge successfully. The following is my javascript code.

Recaptcha.create("6Ld4iQsAAAAAAM3nfX_K0vXaUudl2Gk0lpTF3REf", 'captchadiv',
    tabindex: 1,
    theme: "clean",
    callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field

//To Validate user response
function Recaptcha_IsCorrect()
    var xmlHttpRequest;
    var PageURL = document.URL;
    var xmlDoc;

    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
        xmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xmlHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.xmlHttpRequest");

    var challenge = Recaptcha.get_challenge();
    var userResponse = Recaptcha.get_response();

    var url = "../Ajax/PIAsyncAjax.asmx/ValidateReCaptcha?clientIP=" + challenge + "&response=" + userResponse;

    xmlHttpRequest.open("GET", url);
    xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function ()
        if (xmlHttpRequest.readyState == 4 && xmlHttpRequest.status == 200)


The following is my code for the webservice which exposed the webmethod to validate ReCaptcha user input. I get the error "invalid-site-private-key".

namespace YADA.YADAYADA{

[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class PIAsyncAjax : System.Web.Services.WebService
    public string ValidateReCaptcha(string clientIP, string privateKey, string challenge, string response)

        bool isValid = false;
        string validationResponse = "";

        reCaptchaValidation validator =
            new reCaptchaValidation(null,       

        isValid = validator.Validate();

        if (isValid)
            validationResponse = "true";
            if (!validator.IsErrored)
                validationResponse = "false";
                // oh dear, something not right

                if (validator.Exception != null)        // an exception occurred while 
                    // trying to validate
                    validationResponse = validator.Exception.ToString();
                else if (validator.ValidationResult != null)  // the validation web service 
                    // returned an error code 
                    // (other than an invalid captcha solution)
                    validationResponse = "web service error: " + validator.ValidationResult;

        return validationResponse;

public class reCaptchaValidation
    private string challenge, response, privateKey, ip;
    private IWebProxy proxy;

    public reCaptchaValidation(string clientIP, string privateKey, 
    string challenge, string response) : this(null, clientIP, privateKey, 
    challenge, response) { }

    public reCaptchaValidation(IWebProxy proxy, string clientIP, 
        string privateKey, string challenge, string response)
        this.proxy = proxy;
        this.ip = clientIP;
        this.privateKey = privateKey;
        this.challenge = challenge;
        this.response = response;

    private bool _errored;
    public bool IsErrored
            return _errored;

    private Exception _ex;
    public Exception Exception
            return _ex;

    private string _vr;
    public string ValidationResult
            return _vr;

    public bool Validate()
            string post = "privatekey=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(privateKey) + 
        "&remoteip=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ip) + "&challenge=" + 
        HttpUtility.UrlEncode(challenge) + "&response=" + 

            WebRequest wr = HttpWebRequest.Create
            wr.Method = "POST";

            if (proxy != null)
                wr.Proxy = proxy;

            wr.ContentLength = post.Length;
            wr.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(wr.GetRequestStream()))

            HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)wr.GetResponse();
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()))
                string valid = sr.ReadLine();
                if (valid != null)
                    if (valid.ToLower().Trim() == "false")
                        string errorcode = sr.ReadLine();

                        if (errorcode != null)
                            if (errorcode.ToLower().Trim() != "incorrect-captcha-sol")
                                _vr = errorcode;
                                _errored = true;
                                return false;

                    return (valid.ToLower().Trim() == "true");
                else _vr = "empty web service response";

                return false;
        catch (Exception caught)
            _errored = true;
            _ex = caught;
        return false;

What am I doing wrong? Should I have to get a private key? Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance, Venkat.

It works with the public and private keys that I just created. Damn, I just assumed, "localhost" would not be accepted as a legal domain-name while signing up.

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