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Project not building after creating unit tests in visual studio?

A product with lot of interdependence among projects. Initially creating unit test for one project. Successfully able to create tests and using InternalsVisibleTo() for accessing non-public class members of that project. But when I build the project, because it has dependencies its throwing errors. Before creating tests there were no errors.

List of errors:

Failed to load '..\\xxx1.dll' because it is not a valid .NET assembly : RegAsm

The command "%SystemRoot%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\regasm" xxx1.dll /tlb:"..\\xxx1.tlb" /verbose" exited with code 100.

The output property is not set for the project. Please check to make sure you have specified valid combination.

Solved after changing "Solution platforms" to "x64". Since one project among dependencies was indirectly depending upon a project that needs to be build for x64 machine.

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