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setting up upstream with nginx and node?

I have three instances on aws. one for nginx which the front-end server, and two backend nodejs intstances.

Im trying to set up the nginx server to upstream to these node.js instances:

upstream node_servers {
        server private_ip:8124 weight=10 max_fails=3; // node server 1 private_ip:port
        server private_ip:8124 weight=10 max_fails=3; // node server 2 private_ip:port
server {
    listen  private_ip:80;     // nginx server private ip:port
    root /home/ubuntu/project/;
    server_name public_ip.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com;  // nginx public DNS
    location / {

                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
                proxy_pass http://node_servers/;


on my node 1 server, node 2 server instance app.js code:

app.listen(8124, "");
console.log("listening on 8124");

I go to the nginx server public domain name, and nothing really happens, its just loads forever sending request.....

In your node code, you are listening on the loopback interface on (requests from localhost only):

app.listen(8124, "");

You have to listen on your specific private IP or

app.listen(8124, "");

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