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javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Could not find service named in wsdl

I use CXF 2.7 and tomcat 7. I have create a web project with eclipse Juno that expose some web services. After deployment on tomcat i get wsdl from browser and all looks fine.

Then i create a second web project that is the consumer and i deploy it on tomcat. When i try to call any web service from consumer i get the following error:

javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Could not find service named {http://service.example.com/}UserSrvImpl in wsdl http://xxxx:8088/TaxisNetTestUI/services/UserSrvImplPort?wsdl

My service call example is:

UserSrvImpl service = new UserSrvImpl();
UserSrvImplPortType client = service.getUserSrvImplPort();

What going wrong ?

My wsdl is: WSDL FILE

I guess you need

UserSrv service = new UserSrvImpl();
UserSrvImplPortType client = service.getUserSrvImplPort();

Use interfase instead of implementation class as link

I create again the web services, but this time i create manually my interface. I create a class that iplements this interface and then i create the web service and all works fine!

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