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xcconfig files device families - universal

I am changing the name of my app based on the device it is running on through configuration files, ie I put in an _iPhone, _iPad or _Universal in the display name accordingly.

To do this I am using xcconfig files as follows:


APP_NAME1 = Something_iPhone
APP_NAME2 = Something_iPad
APP_NAME1,2 = Something_Universal //1,2 The "," causes a problem here.

The problem is that the comma character is causing a problem: *Build setting 'APP_NAME1,2' does not have a valid base name.*

Any ideas?

No apps will be approved for app store with using the trade marked names such as iPhone or iPad try using something else. I have had that even in the binary and not in the display and they rejected it in review. If you want to create a set of codes for universal porpose the take a look at this code snippet. I use this a lot in my universal apps.

if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
    NSLog(@"iPad Idiom"); 
    NSLog(@"iPhone Idiom");


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