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How to edit a text file in c# with StreamWriter?

I have a method to edit a word from a text file file and display it on the command prompt. Now I an trying to make a method to edit a word from a text file and write it to a new file. I would also like to mention that I cannot use the File or Regex class since I am not allowed to use it for my assignment. Here is my code for the StreamReader:

public void EditorialControl(string fileName, string word, string replacement)
    List<string> list = new List<string>();
    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(directory + fileName))
        string line;
        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
            line = line.Replace(word, replacement);

and here is my code so far for the StreamWriter:

public void EditorialResponse(string fileName, string word, string replacement, string saveFileName)
    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(directory + saveFileName, true))
            string input = directory + fileName;
            string line = input.Replace(word, replacement);

what can I add to make the StreamWriter open a file, edit a word and write it to a new file or possibly use the StreamReader method to make these changes in StreamWriter? Thank you


public void EditorialResponse(string fileName, string word, string replacement, string saveFileName)
    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(directory + fileName);
    string input = reader.ReadToEnd();

    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(directory + saveFileName, true))
            string output = input.Replace(word, replacement);
public IList<string> GetEditedContent(string fileName, string word, string replacement)
    List<string> list = new List<string>();
    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(directory + fileName))
        string line;
        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
            line = line.Replace(word, replacement);
    return list;

    // Example how write list to a file. 
 using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\Public\TestFolder\WriteLines2.txt"))
        foreach (string listItem in list)

examples about StreamWriter in C# Programming Guide

How to: Write to a Text File (C# Programming Guide)

You can have just this simple code, and it should edit your "filename.txt" and append new text.

using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\TestFolder\filename.txt", true))
file.WriteLine("text to edit / append ...");

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