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Optimizing C++ Vector for Search

With my current project, I did my best to adhere to the principle that premature optimization is the root of all evil. However, now the code is tested, and it is time for optimization. I did some profiling, and it turns out my code spends almost 20% of its time in a function where it finds all possible children, puts them in a vector, and returns them. As a note, I am optimizing for speed, memory limitations are not a factor.

Right now the function looks like this:

void Board::GetBoardChildren(std::vector<Board> &children)
    children.reserve(open_columns_.size()); // only reserve max number of children


    for (auto i : open_columns_)
        short position_adding_to = ColumnToPosition(i);
        MakeMove(position_adding_to); // make the possible move
        children.push_back(*this); // add to vector of children
        ReverseMove(); // undo move

According to the profiling, my code spends about 40% of the time just on the line children.push_back(*this); I am calling the function like this:

std::vector<Board> current_children;

I was thinking since the maximum number of possible children is small (7), would it be better to just use an array? Or is there not a ton I can do to optimize this function?

From your responses to my comments, it seems very likely that most of the time is spent copying the board in


You need to find a way to avoid making all those copies, or a way to make them cheaper.

Simply changing the vector into an array or a list will likely not make any difference to performance.

The most important question is: Do you really need all States at once inside current_state? If you just iterate over them once or twice in the default order, then there is no need for a vector, just generate them on demand.

If you really need it, here is the next step. Since Board is expensive for copying, a DifferenceBoard that keeps only track of the difference may be better. Pseudocode:

struct DifferenceBoard { // or maybe inherit from Board that a DifferenceBoard
                         // can be built from another DifferenceBoard
  Board *original;
  int fromposition, toposition;
  State state_at_position;

  State get(int y, int x) const {
    if ((x,y) == fromposition) return Empty;
    if ((x,y) == toposition  ) return state_at_position;
    return original->get();

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