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why is my javascript throw not working in Firebug?

I'm trying to debug an application and am struggling to display my thrown errors in Firebug.

if I have something like this:

if (!jQuery.fn.drag){
  console.log("found an error");
  throw new Error("file xyz has not loaded");

Why is it, that the console fires, because there is an error, but my custom throw does not report anything in Firebug?


I tried throw new Error("error message"); and it´s working in both Firefox and Chrome;

Use console.log(Jquery, Jquery.fn, Jquery.fn.drag) to debug your code.

问题可能是您不小心激活了“ Break on all error ”firebug选项,如果是这种情况,请在此处查看我的答案以解决问题。

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