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Getting ruby hash values by an array of keys

What I'm aiming to do is to create an object which is initialized with a hash and then query this object in order to get values from that hash. To make things clearer here's a rough example of what I mean:

class HashHolder
  def initialize(hash)
    @hash = hash

  def get_value(*args)
    # What are my possibilities here?

holder = HashHolder.new({:a => { :b => { :c => "value" } } } )
holder.get_value(:a, :b, :c) # should return "value"

I know I can perform iteration on the arguments list as in:

def get_value(*args)
  value = @hash
  args.each do |k|
    value = value[k]
  return value

But if I plan to use this method a lot this is going to degrade my performance dramatically when all I want to do is to access a hash value.

Any suggestions on that?

To update the answer since it's been a while since it was asked.

( tested in ruby 2.3.1 )

You have a hash like this:

my_hash = {:a => { :b => { :c => "value" } } }

The question asked:

my_hash.get_value(:a, :b, :c) # should return "value"

Answer: Use 'dig' instead of get_value, like so:

my_hash.dig(:a,:b,:c) # returns "value"

Since the title of the question is misleading (it should be something like: how to get a value inside a nested hash with an array of keys), here is an answer to the question actually asked:

Getting ruby hash values by an array of keys


my_hash = {:a => 1, :b => 3, :d => 6}
my_array = [:a,:d]


my_hash.values_at(*my_array) #returns [1,6]
def get_value(*args)
  args.inject(@hash, &:fetch)

In case you want to avoid iteration at lookup (which I do not feel necessary), then you need to flatten the hash to be stored:

 class HashHolder def initialize(hash) while hash.values.any?{|v| v.kind_of?(Hash)} hash.to_a.each{|k, v| if v.kind_of?(Hash); hash.delete(k).each{|kk, vv| hash[[*k, kk]] = vv} end} end @hash = hash end def get_value(*args) @hash[args] end end 

If you know the structure of the hash is always in that format you could just do:


... returns "value".

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