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How to set resolution higher on Flex desktop native (Air) app?

I'm trying to change the resolution for a flex native app (air) app running on a retina macbook. Flex apps in the browser render everything smoothly at 160dpi automatically but if I build the same app as Air install app, it renders at 72dpi and doesn't look as good. I know you can set a resolution in the application descriptor file for a mobile app but this isn't one. Also, I've tried setting the applicationDPI property on the WindowedApplication tag as well with no luck. Any ideas? Thanks...

For the record, to enable high resolution rendering in AIR desktop apps running on eg Retina Macbook Pros, set <requestedDisplayResolution>high</requestedDisplayResolution> in the <initialWindow> part of your app descriptor XML. Requires Adobe AIR 3.6 or newer.



<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=" http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml&quot ; width="1019" height="680" scaleX="0.8" scaleY="0.8" applicationComplete="init()" ...>

<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=" http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml&quot ; width="1019" height="680" preinitialize="initScreenSize()" applicationComplete="init()" ...> ... ... private function initScreenSize():void{ var thisScreen:Screen = Screen.mainScreen; var newScaleX:Number = thisScreen.visibleBounds.width / 1019 * 0.98; var newScaleY:Number = thisScreen.visibleBounds.height / 680 * 0.98; var newScale:Number = Math.min(newScaleX,newScaleY,1); this.scaleX = newScale; this.scaleY = newScale; this.height = this.height * newScale; this.width = this.width * newScale; }

to scale the app based on the user's resolution. Here's the code:

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