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Retrieving the url of an attachement from a sharepoint list

Guys im using the spquery object to retrieve some items from a list and populate a repeater. I need to grab the url of the attachment. Ive set IncludeAttachmentUrls to true but im not sure on the name of the field to use in the repeater.

     SPWeb Web = SPContext.Current.Web;
     SPList List = Web.Lists["LinksList"];

     SPQuery Query = new SPQuery();
     Query.Query = "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Title' Ascending='False' /></OrderBy>";
     Query.IncludeAttachmentUrls = true;

     RPTLinks.DataSource = List.GetItems(Query).GetDataTable();

I hope this might help you, it is not a fully functional/tested solution but it might give you a lead:

The foreach loop and oItem.url is what I use most after a CAML query.

     SPList List = Web.Lists["LinksList"];

     SPQuery Query = new SPQuery();
     Query.Query = "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Title' Ascending='False' /></OrderBy>"
ArrayList values = new ArrayList();

foreach (SPListItem oItem in oList.GetItems(Query))

// You might need to add extra code here to get the full path if you need to such as spweb url etc..

RPTLinks.DataSource = values;


The property is called Attachments but there is an additional operation needed to get the full url for each. Take a look at this question on SharePoint StackExchange.

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