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NDB querying a GenericProperty in repeated Expando StructuredProperty

Hey guys im trying to figure out how to structure my query for the following case

First i have a model defined

class Variant(ndb.Expando):
    test = ndb.StringProperty()

class Item(ndb.Model):
    test2 = ndb.StringProperty()
    variants = ndb.StructuredProperty(Variant, repeated=True)

variant = Variant(test="test", dynamic="a")
item = Item(test2="test", variants=[variant, ])

and then for the query stuff.. So far i've tried

dynamic = "dynamic"
Item.query(ndb.GenericProperty("variants.%s" % dynamic) == "a")
Item.query(Item._properties["variants.%s" % dynamic] == "a")
Item.query(getattr(Item.variants, dynamic) == "a")
Item.query(getattr(Item, "variants.%s" % dynamic) == "a")
Item.query(ndb.query.FilterNode("variants.%s" % dynamic, "=", "a"))

generic_prop = ndb.GenericProperty()
generic_prop._name = "variants.%s" % dynamic
Item.query(generic_prop == "a")

and none of these works.. This should be perfectly possible since the property name in the datastore is

variants.dynamic = ["a", ]

Thank you for your help

It's easy using GQL:

Item.gql("WHERE variants.dynamic = 'a'").fetch()

Also this works:

s = StringProperty()
s._name = 'variants.dynamic')
Item.query(s == 'a').fetch()

Please do file a feature request; however it's going to be a balancing act. What syntax would you like to use?


The same thing works with GenericProperty(), or any other Property subclass.

The reason that GenericProperty('variants.dynamic') is forbidden is to prevent people from doing hacks like this:

class MyHack(ndb.Model):
  foo = StringProperty('bar.baz')

which will confuse the serialization and deserialization code.

Maybe we can add a flag to Property that skips this check but then disallows using the property in a model definition (it would only allow it in a query).

Or maybe we can make this work (I think this would be hard though):

Item.query(Item.variants.dynamic == 'a').fetch()

(only if variants is an Expando).

You can do this with a bit of magic.


variants_dynamic_property = ndb.GenericProperty()
variants_dynamic_property._name = 'variants.dynamic'
q = Item.query(variants_dynamic_property == 'a')


Since you are querying for a GenericProperty , you'll need to create one as the docs state, eg:

FlexEmployee.query(ndb.GenericProperty('location') == 'SF')

Similarly, when querying for a StucturedProperty , the docs state you can use a property of the property, eg:

Contact.query(Contact.address.city == 'Amsterdam')

So combining these, you would need

Item.query(ndb.GenericProperty('variants.dynamic') == 'a')

but trying to construct the property via ndb.GenericProperty('variants.dynamic') results in the following exception:

  File "/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/Contents/Resources/GoogleAppEngine-default.bundle/Contents/Resources/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/ndb/utils.py", line 136, in positional_wrapper
    return wrapped(*args, **kwds)
  File "/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/Contents/Resources/GoogleAppEngine-default.bundle/Contents/Resources/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/ndb/model.py", line 2366, in __init__
    super(GenericProperty, self).__init__(name=name, **kwds)
  File "/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/Contents/Resources/GoogleAppEngine-default.bundle/Contents/Resources/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/ndb/utils.py", line 136, in positional_wrapper
    return wrapped(*args, **kwds)
  File "/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/Contents/Resources/GoogleAppEngine-default.bundle/Contents/Resources/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/ndb/model.py", line 765, in __init__
    raise ValueError('Name %r cannot contain period characters' % (name,))
ValueError: Name 'variants.dynamic' cannot contain period characters

But you can get around this by using the constructor with no property name and then setting the name after the fact:

variants_dynamic_property = ndb.GenericProperty()
variants_dynamic_property._name = 'variants.dynamic'

Hackish Solution :

A temporary solution: Using a ComputedProperty to query by - in our case:

(adding the following to the model definition)

computed_prop = ndb.ComputedProperty(lambda self: self.repeating_prop[0].sub_prop if self.repeating_prop else None)

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