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Is there any way that I can write URL in django using annotations in python

I am from the Java Hibernate and Symfony2 background where I used to write the routing within the controller on the top of function like this:

 * @Route("/blog")
class PostController extends Controller

I know its not available in Django but is there any way I can code some decorator etc. so that I can mention the URL like this:

class myView():

While it would be very undjangonic , you could try something like this:


# decorators.py
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.importlib import import_module
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url

def URL(path):
    path = r'^%s$' % path[1:]  # Add delimiters and remove opening slash
    def decorator(view):
        urls = import_module(settings.ROOT_URLCONF)
        urls.urlpatterns += patterns('', url(path, view))
        return view
    return decorator

# views.py
from .decorators import URL

def home(request):
    # your view

def products(request):
    # your view

# urls.py
from django.conf.urls import patterns

from . import views  # import the modules with your views

urlpatterns = patterns('',)  # create an empty url dispatcher to append to

And make sure every file containing this decorator is imported before processing urls (eg by importing them in the urls file).

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