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mysql return single row and status for multiple rows

apologies for vague question title but not sure on correct wording, please correct if need be.

I have the following MySQL query which joins several of my tables together.

select distinct(o.person), 
    case when c.datecompleted  is null then 'no' else 'yes' end TrainingCompleted,
    case when c.expirydate is null then '' else c.expirydate end expirydate
    orgstructure o 
    join personrisks p on p.Person=o.person
    right outer join risktraining r on r.risk=p.risk
    left outer join coursescompleted c on c.course=r.training and c.person=o.person
where o.department='house keeping' and o.person <> ''
order by o.person desc

it produces the below result:


in the result, you can see that each risk has two training solutions that address the risk. I want to return another column status that looks to each training and training completed field, if either of the training is completed then status good else status bad . so my output will only have two rows in this example for each risk. should none of the training have been completed then show any training value as being needed.

ideal output:


How do I edit this query to achieve the desired results.

Thanks in advance.

easiest way to do it is

    case when count(c.datecompleted) > 0 then null else r.training end as training,
    case when count(c.datecompleted) > 0 then 'yes' else 'no' end as TrainingCompleted,
    case when count(c.datecompleted) > 0 then 'good' else 'bad' end as Status
from orgstructure o 
    join personrisks p on p.Person=o.person
    right outer join risktraining r on r.risk=p.risk
    left outer join coursescompleted c on c.course=r.training and c.person=o.person
where o.department='house keeping' and o.person <> ''
group by o.person
order by o.person desc, case when c.datecompleted is not null then 0 else 1 end asc

Here I do not showing training if either of traning is completed.


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