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how to mock a method in an object when testing a method in the same object

i have such java codes:

public class A {
    public int get() {
        // many codes
        String s = new String();
        int n = 5;
        return isEmpty(s) ? n : -1;
    public boolean isEmpty(String s) {
        return s.isEmpty();

now i want to just test get(), i don't want to test isEmpty() at the same, so i want to mock isEmpty(), just test a method, if it invokes another method of the class, can easymock mock the method?

A workable approach is to not mock A and do something like

public class TestableA extends A
    public boolean isEmpty( String s )
         // "mock" impl goes here, eg.:
         return s;

and write your unit test in terms of TestableA instead. You can even create this in a @Before method:

public class UnitTest
    private A a; // note: A, not TestableA!

    public void setUp()
        this.a = new A() 
            public boolean isEmpty( String s )


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