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Trouble with web.xml url pattern

In my web.xml I have URL pattern for servlet like this:


So I want to call it using blablabla/myservice also as anyWord/myservice .

But it doesn't work. It work only if I call it using this URL: /*/myservice (with asterisk in URL).

You can't do that. According to the Servlet 2.5 Specification (and things aren't that different in other levels of the specification), chapter SRV.11.2:

  • A string beginning with a / character and ending with a /* suffix is used for path mapping.
  • A string beginning with a *. prefix is used as an extension mapping.
  • A string containing only the / character indicates the "default" servlet of the application. In this case the servlet path is the request URI minus the context path and the path info is null.
  • All other strings are used for exact matches only.

Your case falls under the 4th bullet, so exact mapping is used.

To circumvent that, use a mapping of / (third case). Map all requests to go to a particular servlet, and have that servlet re-route requests to handlers of some sort (either other servlets, or some custom classes).

For example:


And then, within MyServlet 's code, inspect the URL that you received in the request (using request.getPathInfo() ) and use the value to forward the request to other handlers.

You could use a filter while your url pattern is /* and inside the filter decide which redirection you required.




What about two ULR-mapping sections?


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