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Save object in Session on a ashx handler and get the object in another ashx handler. How?

I have two handlers.

In Authentication.ashx Handler i save a object on session like this:

HttpContext.Current.Session["ConnectionUserSession"] = userCache;

Then, i have another Handler, Send.ashx and i want to get the object saved in Authentication.ashx.

How i do that? My code to get the object is:

UserCache userCache = (UserCache) HttpContext.Current.Session["ConnectionUserSession"];

The problem: userCache is allways null, and i have IRequiresSessionState implemented on both handlers.

I think what they mean is in Authentication.ashx:

public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
    context.Session["ConnectionUserSession"] = userCache;

And in Send.ashx,

public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
    UserCache userCache = (UserCache) context.Session["ConnectionUserSession"];

Either the line

HttpContext.Current.Session["ConnectionUserSession"] = userCache;

is not executed, or the string keys used for saving and retrieval are different, or you have a call to


between these two handlers.

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