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Periodic background jobs on Rails & Heroku

I'm developing a Rails app which gives pricing data on various products by scraping prices from 3rd party sites (similar to http://railscasts.com/episodes/190-screen-scraping-with-nokogiri ).

Since I'm new to programming, right now I am manually doing this by putting my code in a rake task. The tasks loops through all the products in my database and updates their price through scraping. It takes a few hours to complete (since there are 1000s of products) but most of the time spent is from calling sleep so I can rate limit myself. Right now I'm calling the rake task manually from command line but I'd like to have a weekly periodic job that automatically runs in the background.

After a bit of research, it seems like there are several ways to do this ( Resque, DelayedJob, Cron/Whenever ) but I'm not sure which would best fit my need. In addition, I'm deploying through Heroku so I want to make sure I don't waste money on worker dynos; right now this is just a side project so I wouldn't want to spend that much.

What would be a simple and cost efficient way to do this?

I'm currently using the Heroku Scheduler . It can run tasks every day, every hour or every 10 minutes. It's extremely easy to use:

  1. Install the add-on with heroku addons:add scheduler:standard
  2. Go to your app in the Heroku website, select the Scheduler add-on and add a new job. You do this by defining the task ( rake name_of_your_task ), the frequency and the next run. And done.

There are, however, several problems:

  1. You need to give a valid credit card to be able to use this add-on even though it is, in principle, free.

  2. The Scheduler runs one-off processes that will count toward your dyno-hours.

  3. Heroku only gives you 750 free dyno hours per app.

This is what the Scheduler's wiki has to say about Long-running jobs :

Scheduled jobs are meant to execute short running tasks or enqueue longer running tasks into a background job queue. Anything that takes longer than a couple of minutes to complete should use a worker dyno to run.

So my advice here would be:

  1. Break down your rake task into smaller chunks meant to run only for a couple minutes.

  2. Run these tasks more periodically (you don't even have a weekly option using the Scheduler).

  3. Keep an eye on your dyno hours. You can do so here . 750 hours amount to 31 days and 6 hours. So you have at least 6 hours to work with in those 31-day months. If your app is not being used, you can also use the following command to turn it off so it stops counting the regular dyno hours.

     heroku ps:scale web=0 

    And you can scale it back up with

     heroku ps:scale web=1 

Unfortunately, there's no such thing as free computing power.

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