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find or list methods inside particular method of current executing page

There is an asp.net webpage. Inside Page_Load event there could be multiple method calls ( MethodA , MethodB(arg1, arg2) etc.)

I have httpmodule. While accessing the page, it will first go thorough httpmodule.

Inside that hpttpmodule, I want to find or list all methods which are being called in current executing page's Page_Load .

By this way, I want to make sure that a particular method ( MethodA ) with its signature is implemented inside Page_Load event.

I will appreciate any implementation, weather httpmodule, base page, abstract class, interfaces, reflection etc... anything to achieve this objective.


You could try something like this :

MethodBase methodBase = typeof(INSERT_CLASS_HERE).GetMethod(INSERT_METHOD_HERE);
var instructions = MethodBodyReader.GetInstructions(methodBase);

foreach (Instruction instruction in instructions)
MethodInfo methodInfo = instruction.Operand as MethodInfo;

if(methodInfo != null)
    Type type = methodInfo.DeclaringType;
    ParameterInfo[] parameters = methodInfo.GetParameters();

        String.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => p.ParameterType.FullName + " " + p.Name).ToArray())


Where INSERT_CLASS_HERE is the name of the class where you want to look.
And INSERT_METHOD_HERE is the name of the method within the class in which you want to find all calls.

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