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Why am I getting the error “parameter pack 'F' must be at the end of the template parameter list”

I have code that uses a variadic template and I'm trying to understand where to put the ellipsis. In the below code I put them, like the error says, at the end of the template parameter list. But I still get errors. What am I doing wrong?

template <typename T> struct S {

    void operator << (const T &) {}


template <template <typename, typename...> class ... F, typename T = int>
struct N : S<F<T>> ... {};

prog.cpp:10:82: error: parameter pack 'F' must be at the end of the template parameter list

You have another parameter, T , at the end of the list after F . As the error message says, the variadic pack must come at the end. Unfortunately, that makes it awkward to have both variadic and defaulted parameters in the same template.

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