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Asp.net ImageUrl Webforms

this is definitely an easy question but I still don't know what exactly it is for. Can anybody tell me what ImageUrl='<%# Eval("FileName") %>' means? I still don't get the idea why we need to include %# .

<%# Eval("FileName") %> is used in the context of binding data from a collection to a control. Probably the value for the imageurl is coming from a property of an object in the collection

For example, List<Photo> where Photo has a property of FileName . If you are binding that to a gridview, a repeater, etc, you'll access that property for each item in the collection when binding to such controls

in this Line...

ImageUrl='<%# Eval("FileName") %>'

ImageURL the attribute of your asp:ImageButton control that is used to specify the Url of the Image File to be Used

Code between '<% and %>' tags are writtent to be Executed on the Server

'#' is used to specify that the result of server side execution will be bound hear

Eval KeyWord is Used To Evaluate the perticular Column Value (that you specify ("--hear--")) from The DataSourse

当您使用诸如RepeaterGridView等模板控件时,您实际上是在数据记录列表中进行迭代,并且<%# Eval("FileName") %>在这里意味着给我名为FileName的列的值。

Here we have used the Eval function which is used for one way databinding. FileName is the field name you are associating. Anything that's written inside <%# %> is parsed by asp.net engine before generating the webpage source which is pure client side script and html tags. So Eval function is executed at server end by ASP.net engine.

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