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Getting an URL which led to error (404) from error-page controller in spring MVC

Say, i have a Spring MVC application with the following web.xml entry:


and following error-page controller:

public class RootController {

    public String errorPage(@PathVariable Integer errorId, Model model) {

        return "root/error.tile";

Now user requested non-existent URL /user/show/iamnotauser which triggered error page controller. How do i get this non-existent '/user/show/iamnotauser' URL from errorPage() method of RootController to put it into model and display on error page ?

The trick is request attribute javax.servlet.forward.request_uri , it contains the original requested uri.

public ModelAndView resourceNotFound(@PathVariable Integer errorId,
                                                   HttpServletRequest request) {
    String origialUri = (String) request.getAttribute(

    return new ModelAndView("root/error.jspx", "originalUri", origialUri);

If you still use Servlet API 2.5, then the constant RequestDispatcher.FORWARD_REQUEST_URI does not exist, but you can use request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.request_uri") . or upgrad to javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.0.1

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