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Custom Source for XmlDataProvider in WPF

I have the following in my app. config file

  <add key="Path" value="C:\Users\dave\Desktop\dave"/>

in my XAML file, the XmlDataProvider is as follows:

<XmlDataProvider x:Name="Data" Source= "setting.xml" XPath="Product" />

I would like to point the Source to Path.

Any help as always is much appreciated.

Kind regards

if you dont mind having a property in code behind, you can use StringFormat in the xaml

public string MyPath
    get { return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Path"]; }

<XmlDataProvider x:Name="Data" Source="{Binding Path=MyPath, StringFormat={}{0}\\Settings.xml}" XPath="Product" />

returns: "C:\\Users\\dave\\Desktop\\dave\\Settings.xml"

Try like this:

<XmlDataProvider x:Name="Data" Source= "pack://siteoforigin:,,,/setting.xml" XPath="Product" />

setting.xml must be in your main folder.

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