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PHP + WSDL + SOAP - how do I display a webservice result on screen

I'm just starting out in PHP and would like some advice as to how to get a webservice result to display in an array.

For example I would like to print the currency codes into an array from the following WSDL


This is what I have so far but nothing really happens:

$proxyport = 8080;  


$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,
  array('proxy_host' => "$proxyhost",'proxy_port' => 8080, 'trace' => 1));

$result = $client->ConversionRate($country);

Basically, it's your $country variable.

If you look at the ConversionRate Webservice, it defines FromCurrency and ToCurrency as required.

  <s:element name="ConversionRate"> 
        <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FromCurrency" type="tns:Currency" /> 
        <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ToCurrency" type="tns:Currency" /> 

You'll need to update $country like so:

$country = array( "FromCurrency" => "AFA",
                  "ToCurrency" => "AUD");

That should work.

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