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How to reorder the Search Result?

When I search a word "apple" the script is showing the result in the following order:

(1) appletree (2) juiceapple (3) apple

But I want to reorder the search result in the following order:

(1) apple (2) appletree (3) juiceapple

As you can see the above order is exactly what I want in which the result is showing according to the searched term which was "apple"

//get date
$button = $_GET['submit'];
$search = $_GET['search'];

if (!$button)
   echo "Please fill out the form";
    if (strlen($search)<=2)
   echo "The item you searched for was to small";
     echo "You searched for <b>$search</b> <hr size='1'>";

     //connect to database


 //explode search term
           $search_exploded = explode(" ",$search);
           foreach($search_exploded as $search_each)
    $str = mysql_real_escape_string(substr($search_each, 0, 4));
    //construct query
    if ($x==1) $construct .= "keywords LIKE '$str%'";
    else       $construct .= " OR keywords LIKE '$str%'";

     //echo out construct
    $construct = "SELECT * FROM word WHERE $construct";
    $run = mysql_query($construct);
     $foundnum = mysql_num_rows($run);

     if ($foundnum==0)
        echo "No results found.";

       echo "$foundnum results found.<p><hr size='1'>";

       while ($runrows = mysql_fetch_assoc($run))

        //get data
       $meaning = $runrows['meaning'];
       $keywords = $runrows['keywords'];

        echo "<b>$keywords</b><br>




use order by asc

$construct = "SELECT * FROM word WHERE $construct ORDER BY [Field Name from which you want ascend your search ] ASC";


ORDER BY keyword Asc

To get the desired result

使用ORDER BY keywords ASC ,它将为您提供预期的适当结果。


$construct = "SELECT * FROM word WHERE $construct order by LENGTH(`keywords`)

I assume that you have multiple keywords for every row. You are getting all these results because you are searching for any words that contains word apple .

To get exact results first, and then only results that contain the word, do it like this:

  1. search for results that match exactly the word "apple"
  2. search for any results that contains word "apple"

As you have multiple keywords for every row, you can't use = operator. But you must use some separator in your table to separate the keywords from each other. Let's assume its " " (whitespace).

So if your table and column "keywords" looks like this for example

| id | name  | keywords |
| 1  | apple | apple fruit sweet |

You can search for results like this:

SELECT * FROM table t1
 keywords LIKE "% $keyword %" /* Notice whitespaces around the variable */
 keywords LIKE "$keyword %" /* This is for keywords that arent separated from left */
 keywords LIKE "% $keyword" /* This is for keywords that arent separated from right */

UNION DISTINCT /* Distinct is there because we want to show every result just once */

SELECT * FROM table t1
 keywords LIKE "%$keyword%"

PS: separator could be any string or character, it doesnt have to be whitespace

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