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How to parse soap response?

I have wsdl file of webservice. But because of using .net webservice my response include schema and complex type. How should i parse it. Can some wsdlToJava tools creta java class. I ask, Because in wsdl there is no detail about schema that what contains in schema.

Example part of wsdl:

 <s:element name="PersonDetailResponse">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="PersonDetailResult">
<s:element ref="s:schema"/>

使用Apache axis ,它具有wsdl2java工具:

wsdl2java -uri ../samples/wsdl/Axis2SampleDocLit.wsdl

You can parse your soap like xml (SAX,StAX,DOM).

Also if you have scheme file you can parse this with help of scheme, if you don't - you have to parse and determine all link to java classes manually.

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