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Are mongoose embedded document objects mongoose objects?

I have the following code snippets which have an embedded comment within an item

var CommentModel = new Schema({
  text: {type: String, required: true},
}, {strict: true})

CommentModel.options.toJSON = { transform: function(doc, ret, options){
  delete ret.__v;
  delete ret._id;

Comment = mongoose.model('Comment', CommentModel);

var ItemModel = new Schema({
  name:        {type: String, required: true},
  comments:    [ Comment ]
}, {strict: true})

Item = mongoose.model('Item', ItemModel);

Item.findOne({}, function (err, item) {
  item.comments.forEach(function(o) {

However it doesn't appear that the resulting array of objects which are returned are mongoose objects or at least that the transformation doesn't get applied. Am i missing something somewhere or is this just not supported in mongoose?

You've got a couple problems:

ItemModel should reference the schema CommentModel , not the model Comment in its schema:

var ItemModel = new Schema({
  name:        {type: String, required: true},
  comments:    [ CommentModel ]   // <= Here
}, {strict: true})

You need to call toJSON in your console.log , not pass the function as a parameter:

Item.findOne({}, function (err, item) {
  item.comments.forEach(function(o) {
    console.log(o.toJSON())   // <= Here

You could define a schema method like this:

CommentModel.methods.toJson = { ... };

Later edit: I am referring to a method, not the options. You could also filter certain data within this method, as a bonus :)

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