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Array in value of hash perl

是否可以将数组的引用分配为perl中哈希表的key : value对中的值?

Yes it is. Create a reference to the array by using backslash:

$hash{key} = \@array;

Note that this will link to the actual array, so if you perform a change such as:

$array[0] = "foo";

That will also mean that $hash{key}[0] is set to "foo" .

If that is not what you want, you may copy the values by using an anonymous array reference [ ... ] :

$hash{key} = [ @array ];

Moreover, you don't have to go through the array in order to do this. You can simply assign directly:

$hash{key} = [ qw(foo bar baz) ];

Read more about making references in perldoc perlref

Yes. See http://perlmonks.org/?node=References+quick+reference for some basic rules for accessing such data structures, but to create it, just do one of these:

%hash = ( 'somekey' => \@arrayvalue );
$hash{'somekey'} = \@arrayvalue;
%hash = ( 'somekey' => [ ... ] );
use Data::Dumper; @name=('5/17',
    '5/17','5/17','5/17','5/17','5/17','5/17','5/17'); @status_flags=('U
    H L','U C','U H L','U C','U C','U H L','U C', 'U H L');
    @ip_address=('','','','','','','',''); @dp_id=('0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0');
    @ip_prefix_length=('32','32','32','24', '32', '32','32','32');

    for ($value=0;$value<=5;$value++) {



        print Dumper \%keyvals;

    Each array value assign into hash value. $var1= {
              'Response' => {
                            'extension-ip-route' => {
                                                    'status-flags' =>  'U H L '
                                                    'ip-gateway' => '*',
                                                    'name' => '0/2',
                                                    'ip-address' =>  '',
                                                    'dp-id' => '0',

  %hash = ( 'somekey' => \@arrayvalue );
    $hash{'somekey'} = \@arrayvalue;

It is right. We can assign either hash or hash reference format. 

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