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Get logged in user's id

How can I get the logged in user's UserId? I'm using the standard system generated AccountModel. I can get the username using:


but I don't see the UserId field. I want to use the UserId as a foreign key for another table.

Try this:

using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;

That's how its done in the partial views for current MVC (MVC5/EF6/VS2013) templates.

Correct me if I'm wrong, because I've seen Aviatrix's answers a lot, but what happens if more than one user has the same name in the database?

The best way to do so is to use the WebSecurty class

var memberId = WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name);

and don't forget to add [InitializeSimpleMembership] on top of your controller :)

Their are already very good answer but what i understood from your question is that you want to fetch data from database using id.so here is what you can do.

public List<ForeignkeyTable> RV()
 var email = User.Identity.Name;

Usertable m = db.Uusertables.Where(x => x.user_Email == email).SingleOrDefault();

 var id = m.user_Id;

var p = db.ForeignkeyTable.Where(x => x.user_fk_id == id).ToList();

return p;


This way you can return all the data from database of that id in foreignkey.

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