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issue with adding deprecated headers from facebook SDK into project

I am following this tutorial so that I can add FB request dialog. It ask's me to add the deprecated header into the project, so I did that. I guess the issue is that there are duplicate file names as you can see on the image below:


and as a result I am getting the following errors:


So any ideas on how to resolve this?

You can't include them twice. You should delete the header files (the ones in the folder DeprecatedHeaders ) you have added to your project and only leave the ones in the framework. If you add them both, the compiler will find 2 interfaces for each class.

Ensure that your path to the FacebookSDK in your Framework Search Path is not recursive. 在此处输入图片说明

事实证明,您要做的就是到处使用#import Facebook.h”。我仍然有一个使用FacebookSDK / FacebookSDK的文件

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