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How to read file from zip folder without extracting in asp.net 2 using C#

I want to read a file from a zip folder in Asp.net 2.0 using C# . actually i want something like this :

using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Open(@"E:\MyZipFolder.ZIP", FileAccess.Read))
    // Read the central directory collection
    List<ZipFile.ZipFileEntry> dir = zip.ReadCentralDir();

    // Look for the desired file
    foreach (ZipFile.ZipFileEntry entry in dir)
        if (Path.GetFileName(entry.FilenameInZip) == "MyZipFile.jpg")
            // File found, extract it
            zip.ExtractStoredFile(entry, @"E:\ExtractFolder\MyZipFile.jpg");

ZipFile is unknown , is there any suggestion?

Have a look into DotNetZip Library instead.

To use the zip capability in your applications, you need to be using the .NET Framework 2.0 or later, and you need the DotNetZip Devkit assembly.

Edit : To extract a file by name:

From http://dotnetzip.herobo.com/DNZHelp/Index.html# "Navigation: Code Examples -> C#"

using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(ExistingZipFile))
  ZipEntry e = zip["MyReport.doc"];

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