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Auto-Start Program at Login in Angstrom on BeagleBoard

How do I start an application automatically after login? I have tried the following:

  1. Editing /etc/inittab but I don't have an /etc/inittab file, it looks like my system uses systemd.
  2. Starting my application by adding it to the script /etc/rc.local .
  3. Adding a script in /etc/init.d and a symlink to the script in /etc/rc5.d/S51script_name .
  4. Calling my script from ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile .
  5. Adding a service to systemd but I couldn't get it to work and it seems more complicated than it should be for my purposes.

I am running Angstrom v2012.01-core - Kernel 3.0.17+ on BeagleBoard xM.

找到答案:脚本/ etc / profile在用户登录时运行。您可以添加一行来在最后启动应用程序。

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