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Is it possible to start Teamviewer, to accept connections, from commandline?

There is a question on how to start, Teamviewer from commandline, to make outward connections , however I want to start the Teamviewer from commandline (So it can accept incoming connections).

Is this possible? If so, can anyone give some information? I have not found it anywhere on Teamviewers support site, and have tried different ways so far.

NB: OS is OS X 10.6.8, and TeamViewer is TV8.


As said on http://steronius.blogspot.com/2014/02/replacing-logmein-with-teamviewer-on.html :

This can be done with OSX, but there seems to be a bug that requires a particular work-around that I was lucky to notice. TeamViewer will need to be run twice -- once as sudo, and another as the user:

SSH into the OSX machine and run TeamViewer like so:

sudo /Applications/TeamViewer.app/Contents/MacOS/TeamViewer

It should fail and report: com.teamviewer.desktop: Invalid argument com.teamviewer.teamviewer: Invalid argument

Now run it again without sudo:


This should launch TeamViewer and make it ready for a client connection.

If for some reason it fails to launch, try setting the display first with:

export DISPLAY=:0

Then, to get your TeamViewer ID do:

defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.teamviewer.teamviewer9 ClientID

Just tested this on OS X Lion.


Running teamviewer --help on the command line in linux provides the following

TeamViewer                      8.0.16675
teamviewer                      start TeamViewer user interface (if not running) 

teamviewer --help               print this help screen 
teamviewer --version            print version information 
teamviewer --info               print version, status, id 
teamviewer --passwd [PASSWD]    set a password (useful when installing remote (ssh) 
teamviewer --ziplog             create a zip containing all teamviewer logs (useful when contacting support) 

teamviewer --daemon status      show current status of the TeamViewer daemon 
teamviewer --daemon start       start       TeamViewer daemon 
teamviewer --daemon stop        stop        TeamViewer daemon 
teamviewer --daemon restart     stop/start  TeamViewer daemon 
teamviewer --daemon disable     disable TeamViewer daemon - don't start daemon on system startup 
teamviewer --daemon enable      enable      TeamViewer daemon - start daemon on system startup (default) 

Running teamviewer will launch what you describe as the setup interface. You need the daemon related commands. A running teamviewer daemon will "listen" for incoming connections.

You can run the daemon on an ad hoc basis using the teamviewer --daemon start and teamviewer --daemon stop commands or teamviewer --daemon enable set the daemon to run at start up of the OS every time you boot.

I assume it will be similar if not the same for OS X.

I am following up with @Queenvictoria's comment on @Aldekein's answer.

As mentioned, you can use take a screenshot of TeamViewer with:

osascript -e 'tell application "TeamViewer" to activate' && screencapture ~/Desktop/teamviewer.jpg

However, email servers usually don't trust email coming from non-commercial sources. So my solution to receiving the screenshot to use SCP.

scp [user]@host:/Users/[user]/Desktop/teamviewer.jpg ~/Desktop/

尝试直接输入:/Applications/TeamViewer\\ 8/TeamViewer.app/Contents/MacOS/TeamViewer,当然你需要调整任何适合你的Mac,只是为了指定TeamViewer的位置。

我有时不得不在 OSx 上重置冻结的电视,并发现在最近的设置中我找到了一个文件夹 Applications/TeamViewerHost.app(仅作为 root 用户,否则它是隐藏的)

11 版本的teamviewer 中添加了对linux 的命令行支持。在无头系统中,您可以设置teamviewer 并控制它们。

None of these work with MacOS Monterey.

Some procceses are not correctly restarted after restart the daemon, in ubuntu 14.04 I kill the proccesses before restarting teamviewer:

Try something like:

sudo ps -afuwwwwwwx | grep -i "teamviewer" | sed -r "s/^([^\ ]+[\ ]+([0-9]+).+)$/\2/g" | xargs -i sudo kill {}

sudo teamviewer --daemon restart

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