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Arbor.js queries

I have been working with arbor.js and need help with the couple of problems. I was able to create a graph based on a database, a basic graph. Now, what I need to do, click on the node and get the node data and get it displayed on the side. Also have a directed edge. So, the problems are

  1. My mousedown function is not working. Either it totally won't work or if it works, when I click a node it automatically goes to drag, ie it gets attatched to the mouse and I can't release it. What am trying to do is when I click the node I need to display the node details on the side. The noded details are on another page which can be retrieved as json. My mouse handling code is as follows

     initMouseHandling:function(){ // no-nonsense drag and drop (thanks springy.js) var dragged = null; // set up a handler object that will initially listen for mousedowns then // for moves and mouseups while dragging var handler = { clicked:function(e){ var pos = $(canvas).offset(); _mouseP = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top) dragged = particleSystem.nearest(_mouseP); var d = document.getElementById("infoDiv"); if (dragged && dragged.node !== null){ // while we're dragging, don't let physics move the node dragged.node.fixed = true } ///document.getElementById('detailBox').innerHTML=selected.node.name; $(canvas).bind('mousemove', handler.dragged) $(window).bind('mouseup', handler.dropped) $(canvas).bind('mousedown', handler.clicked) return false }, dragged:function(e){ var pos = $(canvas).offset(); var s = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top) if (dragged && dragged.node !== null){ var p = particleSystem.fromScreen(s) dragged.node.p = p } return false }, dropped:function(e){ if (dragged===null || dragged.node===undefined) return if (dragged.node !== null) dragged.node.fixed = false dragged.node.tempMass = 1000 dragged = null $(canvas).unbind('mousemove', handler.dragged) $(window).unbind('mouseup', handler.dropped) _mouseP = null return false } clicked:function(e){ var pos = $(this).offset(); var p = {x:e.pageX-pos.left, y:e.pageY-pos.top} selected = nearest = dragged = particleSystem.nearest(p); var nodeAddress = "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/" + selected.node.name; if (selected.node !== null){ // dragged.node.tempMass = 10000 dragged.node.fixed = false; //$(canvas).unbind('mousemove', handler.dragged) } //document.getElementById('detailBox').innerHTML=selected.node.name; getData(nodeAddress); //alert(nodeData.self); return false; } } //My click function //$(canvas).mousedown(function(e){ //}); 



The above code does not work at all, I am new to jQuery as well, hence I can't figure out the error, what the last function clicked, is trying to do is that on the clicking of a node, fetch its details from another page and display it. The function here is utter fail. Before I tried like this,

   //My click function
        var pos = $(this).offset();
        var p = {x:e.pageX-pos.left, y:e.pageY-pos.top}
        selected = nearest = dragged = particleSystem.nearest(p);
        var nodeAddress = "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/" + selected.node.name;

        if (selected.node !== null){
        // dragged.node.tempMass = 10000
            dragged.node.fixed = false;
            //$(canvas).unbind('mousemove', handler.dragged)        
        return false;

    // start listening

This comes outside the handler variable, with this the javascript worked fine, and it displayed the node number on the side. But I was not able to query and get the json. The graph got stuck to the pointed too.

Is this the way to try it? How can I get it done otherwise. Sorry for the big question, and the unintentional wrong format, it is my first post here.


The following code for my handler works for me. YMMV.

Instead of having a clicked function, I have a down which maps to a dropped and dragged .
I also included a move variable which is used in the dropped function to indicate whether the node was actually clicked or just dragged.

Hopefully this helps!

// no-nonsense drag and drop (thanks springy.js)
selected = null;
nearest = null;
var dragged = null;
var move = false;

// set up a handler object that will initially listen for mousedowns then
// for moves and mouseups while dragging
var handler = {
    var pos = $(canvas).offset();
    _mouseP = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top);
    nearest = particleSystem.nearest(_mouseP);

        return false;

    selected = (nearest.distance < nearest.node.data.radius) ? nearest : null

    // code for node that mouse is hovered on ('selected')

    var pos = $(canvas).offset();
    _mouseP = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top)
    nearest = dragged = particleSystem.nearest(_mouseP);
    move = false;

    if (dragged && dragged.node !== null){
        dragged.node.fixed = true

    $(canvas).bind('mousemove', handler.dragged)
    $(window).bind('mouseup', handler.dropped)

    return false
    var old_nearest = nearest && nearest.node._id
    var pos = $(canvas).offset();
    var s = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top)
    move = true;

    if (!nearest) return
    if (dragged !== null && dragged.node !== null){
      var p = particleSystem.fromScreen(s)
      dragged.node.p = p

    return false

    var edit = $("#edit").prop('checked')
    if (dragged===null || dragged.node===undefined) return
    if (dragged.node !== null) {
        if(move===false) {

            // code for clicked node (dragged.node)

        dragged.node.fixed = false
    dragged.node.tempMass = 1000
    dragged = null
    selected = null
    $(canvas).unbind('mousemove', handler.dragged)
    $(window).unbind('mouseup', handler.dropped)
    _mouseP = null
    return false


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