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Launching the Windows Store listing from Win RT / Windows 8 app

On Windows Phone there's a marketplace review task.

Is there any way to implement the equivalent functionality in WinRT apps?

I realize that there's the "rate and review" button in the Charms bar, however, this is not what I need, as I want to integrate a button inside the app to launch the review UI.

It may seem trivial, however, this is one of the most important requirements!

This is not a duplicate of is there an equivalent of wp7's marketplacereviewtask for windows 8 / winrt / metro style? because the questioner was happy with the Charms bar method.


This can be done in C# this way:

Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("ms-windows-store:REVIEW?PFN=PACKAGENAME"));

Where Package Name is to be replaced with yours, which can be found in Package.appxmanifest under the packaging tab.

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