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enchant_broker_init() performance issue

I have a web site which uses enchant enchant_broker_init(). I`m not sure why but enchant_broker_init() takes something like 19~ seconds to load the page. Once I remove this function page loads right away.

anyone has an idea why this is? or how can I debug it?


Steps to install php enchant plugin.

APACHE http://apache.mivzakim.net//httpd/binaries/win32/#warnings

PHP http://windows.php.net/download/

ENABLE PHP ON APACHE http://php.net/manual/en/install.windows.apache2.php

Enchant will not work using WAMP. ( at least for it hasn't... ).

Afterwards add the following path


to your PHP directory.

should look like that.


Put the dictionary files there. .aff .dic

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