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Bold font weight for LaTeX axes label in matplotlib

In matplotlib you can make the text of an axis label bold by


You can also use LaTeX with the right backend


When you combine them however, the math text is not bold anymore


Nor do the following LaTeX commands seem to have any effect

plt.xlabel(r'$\bf \phi$')

How can I make a bold $\phi$ in my axis label?

Unfortunately you can't bold symbols using the bold font, see this question on tex.stackexchange.

As the answer suggests, you could use \boldsymbol to bold phi:


You'll need to load amsmath into the TeX preamble:

matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True)

If you intend to have consistently bolded fonts throughout the plot, the best way may be to enable latex and add \boldmath to your preamble:

# Optionally set font to Computer Modern to avoid common missing font errors
matplotlib.rc('font', family='serif', serif='cm10')

matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True)
matplotlib.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = [r'\boldmath']

Then your axis or figure labels can have any mathematical latex expression and still be bold:

plt.xlabel(r'$\frac{\phi + x}{2}$')

However, for portions of labels that are not mathematical, you'll need to explicitly set them as bold:

plt.ylabel(r'\textbf{Counts of} $\lambda$'}

如果有人像我一样从谷歌偶然发现这个,另一种不需要调整 rc 序言(并且与非乳胶文本冲突)的方法是:

ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathbf{\partial y / \partial x}$")

当使用 LaTeX 排版图形中的所有文本时,您可以使用\textbf使“正常”(非方程式)文本变为粗体:

ax.set_title(r"\textbf{some text}")

None of these solutions worked for me and I was astonished to find something so simple was so infuriating to achieve. In the end, this is what worked for my use case. I would advise adapting this for your own use:

plt.suptitle(r"$ARMA({0}, {1})$ Multi-Parameter, $\bf{{a}}$, Electrode Response".format(n_i, m), fontsize=16)

The {0} and {1} refer to positional arguments supplied to format method, meaning 0 refers to variable n_i and 1 refers to variable m .

Note: In my setup, for some reason, \textbf did not work. I have read somewhere that \bf is deprecated in LaTeX, but for me this is what worked.

As this answer Latex on python: \alpha and \beta don't work? points out. You may have a problem with \b so \boldsymbol may not work as anticipated. In that case you may use something like: '$ \\\boldsymbol{\\\beta} $' in your python code. Provided you use the preamble plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble']=[r"\usepackage{amsmath}"]

I wanted to do something similar only then plot 'K' with subscript '1/2' as label and in bold. This worked without changing any of the rc parameters.


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