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How to recreate this list to normal comma separated?

I have the following string


I want to create a jQuery function to make it comma separated like that:


You can use String#replace with a regular expression matching any non-digit, and remove the leading comma:

var str = "w[]=18&w[]=2&w[]=2[]=2";
str = str.replace(/\D+/g, ',').substring(1);

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UPDATE : It is much easier to just use substring() and split() :

var myArray = str.substring(4).split("&w[]=");

(Assuming that the missing &w is a typo!)

  • substring(4) thows away the first for characters: w[]=
  • split() splits the string into elements using &w[]= as separation string.

Old solution:

Just find the w[]= occurrences and replace the occurrences with a , using the replace() function

 var str="w[]=18&w[]=2&w[]=2[]=2"; var fixedStr=str.replace(/\\&/g,",").replace(/\\w?\\[\\]\\=/g,""); 

To convert the string into an array (I suppose you mean 'array' when you say 'list'), you need to split() it at the , s:

 var myArray = fixedStr.split(","); 

Going the regular expression way, assuming non-numeric keys and numeric values as in the example, I would match() all numbers directly. This would return an array containing all numbers matches (not digits) in the string:

var query_string  = 'w[]=18&w[]=2&w[]=2[]=2';
var numbers_array = query_string.match(/\d{1,}/g);

If you then need a CSV string, you can then join() the array values with a , separator:

var numbers_csv = numbers_array.join(',');

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