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Using protobuf-net with WCF and Silverlight

We've tried all sorts of things but Protobuf seems to be the most lightweight and fastest. Now our problem is that we're using Silverlight as a client which does not make it easy to swap out the defaultserializers for WCF.

Is there any improvement in this area with protobuf-net?

Or are there any other suggestions in how we could speed up our webservice?

I like the WDSL which WCF generates on the client side so I'd like to stick with that. However manually doing requests is fine aswell, eventhough it would take a considerable amount of time to swap out our old service.

We basically ended up passing data as Byte[] arrays and manually handling the serialization/deserialization. There is a bit of additional work to do it this way, but in the end, it gave us better flexibility (especially with a few problem objects that Protobuf didn't really want to serialize).

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